Quit taking pills, there isn't a miracle machine or program. You don't need weights or any infomercial.....none of that will help if you don't have a desire to change. In other word you need to hit bottom.
In the words of AA you need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. Nothing will work until you have had enough, enough of being uncomfortable, enough of not looking in the mirror, enough of avoiding scales, enough of eating just a salad in front of people and then gorging in private, enough of saying your husky or big boned, enough of your clothes never fitting, enough of getting winded while you tie your shoes, enough of complaining to people how you can just look at food and gain weight, enough enough enough.
No more excuses you need a personal coach, we are here for you, http://www.attsavage.com/ for the right results.
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